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Reflexology has been known to open neural pathways, and this sort of free-flowing neural activity results in a more relaxed state in the body. For this reason, reflexology can flood your system with relaxation, inducing a state of calmness throughout your body and mind. In this same vein, reflexology is commonly used to cure sleep disorders. Insomnia can be a very troubling condition to suffer through, but reflexology helps your body relax and get back to its normal, healthy Circadian rhythms.

Our foot which bears the weight of the whole body, allows locomotion and does a lot of work. Still they are the least pampered part of the body. To pamper your feet and keep them strong and flexible, a daily foot massage for a few minutes is good option.

Elimination of Toxins

Reflexology has been shown to improve bladder function and to reduce urinary tract issues. What this means in terms of toxicity is a more efficient system of eliminating toxins and other foreign substances, thereby protecting your body from the various diseases and health conditions that can often arise from a compromised urinary system.

Cancer Treatment

Although reflexology isn’t directly connected to curing cancer, it has been known to ease the side effects of cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy. It helps cancer patients get a sound sleep by reducing anxiety and also reduces the chances of vomiting or other commonly experienced indigestion issues. The more general effects of reflexology, such as clearing neural channels and increasing circulation, can help to slow the spread of cancer and can stimulate antioxidant activity to destroy cancer cells.

Easy Pregnancy

Studies have shown that reflexology can be very beneficial for pregnant women, particularly in terms of labor lengths and their need for analgesics during labor and postpartum recovery time. Beyond that, due to many of the health benefits already outlined above, it can reduce the chances of postpartum depression and can also help a woman’s body heal itself faster and get back to its normal metabolic activity quickly.

Nervous System Stimulation

The open neural pathways can benefit our central nervous system in a variety of ways. It not only enhances the brain’s ability to handle inputs more effectively, thereby speeding up our cognitive powers, but also boosts memory.

reflexology Therapy

Speed Healing

The combination of increased nerve activity and circulation, as well as the balanced functioning of the metabolism, means that cells re-grow faster and wounds are able to heal quickly. Also, the pain-relieving qualities of reflexology mean that patients recover rapidly, and are willing to get back into routine life!

Reduction in Headaches

Reflexology is primarily used by many people as a method of eliminating pain. As an analgesic treatment, reflexology can reduce the severity of a migraine and headache, simply by relieving tension in the muscles that can often result in these conditions. A headache induced by stress can also be eliminated since stress and psychological factors often manifest in the physical symptoms of a migraine. This is actually one of the most popular applications of reflexology.

So, in reflexology pressure is applied to these reflexes on the feet, which promotes good health. Here are some health benefits of foot massage and reflexology:

Improves blood circulation:

Due to a sedentary lifestyle, we don’t use the feet muscles properly and wear tight footwear, all this hampers the circulation of feet. A 10 minutes of foot massage daily, helps in transporting oxygen to the body’s cells, which is essential for overall health.

Fights depression:

Foot massage and reflexology helps in fighting depression. Certain points on the feet are helpful in alleviating depression symptoms. Massaging these points or applying pressure to them for a few minutes 2 or 3 times a day can help relieve symptoms of depression.

Helps in relaxation:

After a tiring and stressful day, a foot massage is a soothing and relaxing way to relax. Massage and reflexology of 5 to 10 minutes before going to bed can improve feelings of general well-being.

Promotes better sleep:

The best time to do foot massage is before going to bed. A soothing and relaxing foot massage improves the blood circulation. This helps in getting a peaceful sleep.

Relieves body pains:

This is the best part of reflexology. If done carefully, it treats pains and aches such as headaches, migraines, neck pain, lower and upper backaches.