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Matrix Rhythmus, MRT treatment

Matrix rhythm therapy and massage increased peripheral blood flow in young women. Matrix rhythm therapy method resulted in more prominent increases. The Matrix-Rhythm-Therapy is a basic kind of therapy - that settles on the matter of fact that cells are rhythmically vibrating between 8-12 Hz as long as they are alive. These oscillating characteristics can be observed with single muscle cells in their culture medium by the usage of video microscopy.

Matrix Rhythm Therapy is a form of electrotherapy (treatment by some sort of electrical current that is applied to the body tissues) that is supposed to harmonise the rhythm of cells that have become out of sync. While there are some well recognised body rhythms such as heart beat and respiration Matrix Rhythm Therapy claims to identify and tap into more subtle cellular rhythms.

Matrix Rhythm Therapy, developed by Dr. Ulrich G. Randoll at the University of Erlangen/Nuremberg, Germany, is a creative and vitally important innovation in the efficient treatment and prevention of a wide variety of medical conditions, especially those connected with disturbances in microcirculation and including illnesses of the nervous and musculoskeletal system.

Matrix Rhythmus Benefits

After matrix rhythm therapy and massage application, blood velocity, artery diameter, and blood flow in arteries increased. However, matrix rhythm therapy caused a more prominent increase in the amount of blood flow in the popliteal and in the posterior tibial artery than did massage. After matrix rhythm therapy application, the average increases in the blood flow rates in the popliteal and the posterior tibial arteries were 25.29%±16.55% and 34.33%±15.66%, respectively; after the massage, the increases were 17.84%±17.23% and 16.07%±10.28%, respectively.

magnetic therapy

How Matrix Rhythmus Therapy Work?

The cells in our Body move with a certain rhythm when they are healthy. When these rhythmic movements are defective for any reason, disorders occur in the tissue where these cells live, called connective tissue or the “Matrix”, and cellular movement there is reduced.  The cells cannot receive adequate nutrition and metabolic wastes cannot be removed from the area. Initially, a slight immune reaction which cannot be felt occurs in the area. Subsequently, serious problems begin which manifest themselves as pain. In time, these will have an impact on the muscle, bone, cartilage, tissue, vein and nerve tissues. Matrix Rhythm Treatment is used for the prevention of these conditions or their treatment if they have already started.